블루스틸로 유명한 딘마클리의 일렉트릭 니켈 스트링으로 해외유명뮤지션들이 많이 사용하는 맑은 음색과 긴수명이 특징입니다.

The cornerstone of Dean Markley Strings. If you lined up every set of NickelSteel Electric™ strings ever sold end to end, you would have a really, really long line of guitar string sets. Dean Markley NickelSteel Electric™ . . . on top of the best-seller's list year after year.

NickelSteel Electric™ sports new graphics, tarnish resistant individual envelopes and an Environmental box. NickelSteel Electrics sound fantastic and last a super long time.


6 String
2502B LT .009 .011 .016 .024 .032 .042  
2508B CL .009 .011 .016 .026 .036 .046  
2503B REG .010 .013 .017 .026 .036 .046